Thursday, December 17, 2009

There Will Be Printers

A riveting tale of friendship, suspense, and total and complete lunacy. Michael Benanti's Award-Winning Novel, There Will Be Printers is adapted to film in a revolutionary and enthralling portrayal of one man's journey to inform is friend of his forgotten item. Printers, hatred, and wallets abound in this incredible film. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Something Indigenous to Springfield

There are a lot of things that are indigenous to Springfield.  Also, there are a lot of points where I will be saying indigenous.  It is now my goal by the end of this post to learn how to spell "indigenous".  Yes, indeed, Springfield is home to many things that you can't find anywhere else!  Such as... horseshoes, and... and... Blacksheep! and, uh... Abraham Lincoln, though I guess he was in Washington D.C. for quite a while during his presidency, but still...

Well, there's an idea!  I'm sure everyone is talking about horseshoes on their blog.  To be quite honest, I don't even like horseshoes.  Yeah, I like cheeseburgers and I like fries, but I don't like cheese fries and I don't like burgers without two buns, so it's not a good combination.  I never have liked horseshoes, and I just found out this year! that they're indigenous to Springfield.  Yeah, go figure.  Because of this disconcerting fact, I will go on to talk about Blacksheep.

Actually, I don't much like Blacksheep,either, but I like it more than horseshoes.  Blacksheep, to me, feels like a bit of a cultural revolution for Springfieldians.  There's never really been a hangout spot before Blacksheep where people could go and listen to music and hang out... Though there's not much space to hang out in in Blacksheep, and you can't really talk, considering the music is blaringly loud.  So really, it's just a place to listen to music in.  Also, I don't like the music that plays there, granted I went on a horrible night.  It was packed and most every band was emo-screamo-metal, or something or other.  I got a headache.

Seriously, though, you can't find Blacksheep anywhere else.  Sure, every city probably has their own little place like that, but it feels incredibly different to have a place like that in Springfield.  I know there used to be some place near 125.  They'd have music and fun stuff to do in there, but that was back when I was in 5th grade, so I don't remember the name.  We need the Emporium from Dazed and Confused!  Matthew McConaughey would so be there!