Monday, May 10, 2010


Oh, faith.  Good, old fashioned faith.  It sure is fun, faith.  Isn't it?  When people think of faith, they think of religion!  When I think of religion, I think of NO!

But that's just one teenager's highly pretentious opinion!

That's not only what faith designates, though.  For instance: I have faith that I am not going to die tomorrow.  Is it possible I will?  Sure!  But my faith helps me get through the day without wearing a full suit of armor and carrying a sword around in case any dragons attack (they're known to attack men in suits of armor--look it up).

I have faith that I'll finally be done with this school and Springfield soon enough, but that's what we like to call stupid faith.

I imagine that when people think of religion and me, though, they don't have the best view...  Hey, it makes sense.  I'm an atheist.  I don't believe in a god, so therefore I don't have faith in any one religion.  Some would argue that it takes faith to believe that there is no god...  But it's not a belief that there is no god, it's the lack of a belief...  And it doesn't take faith to know something.  If you cut yourself on the finger with a very sharp knife, you don't have to have faith that it's going to hurt, you just know that the second it hits the skin, you'll be wincing.  I don't have faith in gravity, gravity is there!  It's going to pull my face to the ground when I do a dive from my roof to the hard concrete of my driveway!

I mean, you don't need faith to follow facts...  I guess some people would argue they don't need faith to believe in a god, and that's crazy talk, right there.  You need faith to believe in something that has no evidence pointing towards it, whatsoever.  Just knowing would be the equivalent of me "just knowing" that the sky is blue.  Except I can see the sky and that it has a distinct quality of being a very blue color.  You don't see god or its distinct omnipotent quality.

I'm sorry for being offensive, if I was!  I don't care what you believe!  I'm just stating what I do!  Or my lack of beliefs...

Spring Break

Spring Break was all right.  Actually, it was boring.  Very boring.  If I recall, at least.
Was it?  What did I do...  I think I stayed home all the time and played games and sat on the internet.  Did I develop pictures?  Oh, I think I made a movie!  I think...  I think I did!  Yeah, I did.  That was cool.  I made Unlucky, and that won me an award, so that's cool.  I think I also developed pictures, too.  I'm not sure, though.  Still, I love developing!  It's so rewarding to be in a darkroom and not staring at a screen, photoshopping every single aspect of a picture.  If a picture is good, it's good!  No need to Photoshop.

I digress, though.  I also...  Played games?  I think so.  But I really didn't do much.  I hung out with my girlfriend and didn't hang out with any friends because I don't really have any.  Okay, I do, and I did, but I like pity.  I made a movie with friends!  So that's a contradiction right there, isn't it?  Yeah, it is.

Overall, my Spring Break was only worth it for just not going to school.  It's not like I ever do anything overly exciting other than whatever you can in Springfield.  It's a boring town with boring people and you've got to make what you can out of it.  I have fun doing what I do, though, so it's not like it's depressing or anything.  Still, I'd like to go somewhere that's not Springfield...