Thursday, March 4, 2010

2010 Olympics!

So, I didn't watch the 2010 Olympics.  Other than that Georgian Luger dying, that's all I really saw of it.  It's kind of a bummer.  I enjoy the Olympics, but just the feeling of them.  The atmosphere--even though I'm not there--sort of sets a tone for me that I can really appreciate.  Maybe it was Canada that ruined it for me.  Shows you what good Canadians are: No good, whatsoever, I tell you.  Nothin' but hosers, eh?

Honestly, the most I can tell you about the 2010 Olympics is that Shaun White is a pretty cool dude.  He was on The Colbert Report, which should have led to everyone seeing it, seeing as how Stephen Colbert is hilarious.  I can also tell you that I absolutely did not like the logo for this year, which I just now discovered on Google Images.  What a horrible design.  What could we expect from Canada, though?  I guess I can give them some props, though; they didn't just put a moose drinking maple syrup, which is quite overdone, in my honest opinion.  Get some new ideas, Canada.

So America is apparently winning in medals, as of this moment.  37 over Germany, with 30.  And Canada acts all smug with the most gold medals, 14.  We get it, Canada, you like hockey!  Go back to your bags of milk and silly hats.

Either way, we have Shaun White.  And Aquaman.

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