Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm Blue, but Not Depressed!

Corny pun aside, I am indeed the color blue, as my True Colors personality states.  To elaborate, blue is apparently the color of a whiny, emotional person that can't control their feelings for more than two seconds.  I guess that's the morbid way of looking at it, but even so, I'm apparently it.  Does this color define me, though?  I feel like it does.  I've found myself in situations where, if I were any other color, things would've turned out differently.

In truth, Mr. Langley was right in saying how blues basically forgive and forget.  This applies strongly to me--I don't forget, though.  I forgive, yes, but I hold whatever action that the person I'm forgiving has done against them until I can finally forget.  Is this a bad quality?  I guess so, but there's nothing much I can do about it.  I never confront anyone about it, and I'm always as polite as possible if I can be, so I guess there's no harm, no foul.

My second color that I would be is apparently an orange.  To be honest, I guess that's the best way of describing me.  I'm emotional, and I try to be outgoing and fun.  I'm a child at heart, I guess, but a mature one, apparently.

I guess I'm cutting this blog short.  I don't have very much to talk about, to be honest.  I've never liked talking about myself, anyways.  It feels awkward.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the child at heart line...(thinks back to coooooooookie crisp comment)
