Monday, January 18, 2010

The Art of Persuasion: Give Me Your Money or I'll Kill You

Now that is persuasion.  Okay, so I never did that.  Well, not seriously, anyways.  Either way, it's hard to remember a situation like that, but I know something happened that was like that.  Probably going to McDonald's when they wanted Burger King, or something, I don't know!

(I do know that McDonald's is better than Burger King, though)

I remember, actually, now!  I was with a person that wanted to spend the night at my house.  I didn't feel like having anyone over that night, so I respectfully declined.  It was after this that he went on a tantrum, saying that I have to let him stay over and that I was being selfish by not having him over... somehow.  Either way, I wasn't havin' none of that stuff!  I told him straight up, "No!" and that was that.  Sort of.  I guess that wasn't persuasion, but it's close enough, right?

I remember trying to persuade my parents to buy me things or take me places when I was younger, as well, but that's just a given.  I don't know, this one is a bad blog, but I can't really think of anything to write, right now...

Oh, my Canon AE-1 Program is being given a tune-up right now, so I'm happy about that!  But that's really all I have to say...

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