Friday, February 12, 2010

Chanting the Square Deific: Holy Crap

Okay, seriously?  Forget! the Square Deific!  I've had enough of this crap!  Forget your stupid meanings, religious poetry!  Stop being annoying!  All you do is act smug while you preach about how awesome and figurative you are!  I can't relate to a religious poem, and I refuse to!  I don't like your homeric similes and your epithets and assonances and anything having to do with your freaking meaning!

Why can't you be literal?!  Why must you cause so many pretentious people to act like they're deep for being able to find that "a shoe is brown" actually means "the world is going to blow up", based on vague bull crap that, quite frankly, doesn't actually have anything to do with what they're trying to convince us it does?!  I refuse to read the former sentence, as I know if I read it, I'll discover a multitude of grammatical errors that will probably confuse the reader, but I don't really care.

I have this to say: Forget you, Walt Whitman!  I like poetry, some of it's good!  But I hate you!  Poetry as a medium where people can be as pretentiously arrogant in their writing as they want, and everyone will bow down to them.  It takes skill to be a poet, I know that, but holy crap; make a vague, long-winded poem with so many weird words, and you'll be called the next Shakespeare.  I could be considered a god for writing something incredibly odd and eccentric, when it doesn't mean anything.

Stop making me analyze something!  If I find meaning in it, then the meaning will be mine.  Poets shouldn't point to one, singular meaning and force everyone to listen to them that "This is what it means and it will always mean this."  I hate you, high school poetry analyzers.

Sorry, I went overboard.

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