Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I can Multitask... Sort of...

Contrary to popular belief, I'm... okay at multitasking.  At least, I used to be.  All them multitasking powers have seemed to have left my system, lately.  I'm not sure why, though.  I've gotten lazy and lethargic, and I don't know what to do about it.  I can't bring myself to write anything--at least not very much.  I'm failing to get work done, and who knows why.  I'm just distracted by so many things, and I don't know what to do to fix it!

I've lost interest in many things, as well.  Writing, reading, drawing; it's all become boring!  Taking pictures is still fun, and I haven't been able to make any movies lately, considering that not many people really want to make movies right now.  Oh, well, I'm filming this Sunday, so that's good.  And I'm making my own darkroom!  So that'll be fun to do, as well.  Nothing like experimenting with stuff on your own when you can't seem to find anything to do.

Oh, yeah, multitasking.  When it comes to talking while I work, I think I excel at that.  I've been able to be in my Algebra class and talk it up while I work on all my homework, and I don't get caught up on anything.  Others are able to do that, as well, though that Swedish kid seems to suck at it.  He's Swedish, though, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.  Just this once.  I haven't been multitasking during this blog, though.  I've kept my attention on this and this only, which is why I think I've been able to write this much.

God, I'm having trouble doing things lately...  Even typing is becoming hard to do!  I wonder why that is...

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