Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Making Important Decisions

I'm not impulsive.  Not completely, at least.  When I make decisions, I thoroughly think over the possible consequences of all the different outcomes.  It's just what I do.  I don't like making impulse decisions, and when I do I often regret them, so I normally try and avoid them.  That's just me, though.  Everyone deals with it differently.  Let's see...

So, today I went out and bought tons of different nuts and bolts to make a camera dolly for filming.  I realized that when the total came up to $50 for just the nuts and bolts, I had made a mistake.  If it's only $50 for those, what about the 12 skateboard wheels and 2 3' angle aluminums I was supposed to buy?  In all, it'd basically round out to around $100 for it all.  And so now I need to decide if I should continue with my project, or take them all back and just buy a pre-built dolly for $100 on eBay to use.  This would probably be miles better than any dolly I could make, but then I'd have to wait to get it...  Who knows.

Either way! I made the decision before I even calculated the cost, and that was a big bummer for me.  I don't like acting on impulse or doing things before I have all the information.  When I make big decisions, I try and have all the information down before I know what I'm about to do.  I do as much research as I can and try to figure out what's going to happen before I take the dive, and I feel that's the best way to go about it.  I don't like making promises I can't deliver.  When I say I'll get something done, I'll normally get something done.  And that goes for all of these blogs and whatnot.  I've just been lazy and bored, lately, so they're taking longer and longer to get done.

But that's how I go about it...

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