Sunday, November 8, 2009

Logic / Reasoning vs. Emotion for Support

Okay, so it's been about, what, three weeks since I've written a blog?  I'm not sure.  I doubt I'm in the mood to write, and the mediocre-ness of Employee of the Month is distracting me from writing.  However! I will commit, and I will indeed write.  The TV is muted, I'm talking to no one, and my brain is in writing mode, so let's get this show on the rode.  I have eight blogs to write...  Well, nine.  I think.

When it comes to support, many things depend on the certain thing that needs support.  If I am having trouble deciding between which color I like more, logic and reasoning have no say in this matter.  Of course, they could, but it seems pointless and foolish to include them in such a minuscule decision.  Now, this idea doesn't really bleed over into other arguments, though.  As much as I hate the absent-minded, logical robots that some people can be, I'm not going to shoot them down.  Logic and reasoning is indeed a key factor in winning any kind of debate or argument.

Think of this: Who would you trust more in a state of emergency?  The crying, whining man who preaches about how mean these people have been to our country and have bullied us, or the level-headed man who keeps his wits about him and tells the people why we should retaliate or turn the other cheek.  Emotion cannot be the sole source of support.  It can be used to rally, it can be used to bring forth revolution and change, but it is rarely used to explain fact.

I do not condone explaining evolution with your feelings.  Obviously, you cannot teach kids evolution by maliciously gnawing at religion's throat.  Logically, you explain to them what evolution is, and if any sort of argument from the other side is presented, you reasonably shoo it away; it doesn't get any simpler.  Of course, it's easier said than done, but who's trying, really?  We're teenagers: We're irrational, idiots, and egocentric.  That's what makes high school so hard to deal with, and that's what makes so many people get angry over getting a D on their paper when all they do is rant about things with no support other than the feelings coming off the top of their heads.

That was a strange ending, and an emotional one.

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